So Halle is a girly girl as we all know and has a new obession...SHOES! She changes her shoes 10 times a day and now is turned on to her "mommmies pretty shoes." (As Halle says.) 2 year old girls...gotta love them!
Okay so halle was the most gorgeous baby the second she popped in this world...and she just gets more and more gorgeous everyday. Here is her new pic from my most favorite photographer and friend...Brittay G!! Check out her blog listed on my favorites.
Okay, so my life has been super crazy...for the last couple months. I am sure people have thought I have fallen off the I made a slide show to bring everyone current!! We had a new addition to our little family this May. He is the very sweetest thing on the planet!! Here are some of my favorite things about baby Ash already:
1. He loves to snuggle
2. He has the biggest smile for being 3 months old.
3. His dimples already melt my heart.
4. He is an easy baby for the most part.
5. He came at the most perfect time.
6. His delivery was cake compared to the torture Halle put me through!
7. He looks like a mini Aaron.
8. He doesn't have ACID REFLUX!!
9. He smiles at his big sister.
10.Halle refuses to go anywhere without her "babyy brooder".
Okay, so I really never understood the whole obsession with blogging...but now I do!! I am obsessed!! I have been working on our blog for almost 2 days straight...and can't help adding and changing the dumb thing constantly. So stay tuned....more to come!!
Loving life in Traverse Mountain! Being a mom...and trying to keep up with all the rest. My sweet munchkins...because they will always be my babies. Halle Ann 2 years and Ashton 3 months. Don't forget my hubby...Aaron 31...last but not least!